Federal Funding Streams for Children and Youth ServicesThe Federal Funding Streams for Children and Youth Services database helps communities find federal funding available to states, Native nations, territories, counties, cities, towns, school districts, and local nonprofit organizations to support children and youth. This database includes fiscal year allocations from 2019 to 2023. It catalogs the purposes and key characteristics of more than 320 federal funding programs—funded across 20 different federal agencies—that support cradle-to-career initiatives. Explore the database below, read our frequently asked questions, or contact us to provide feedback about the database.Filed under:Infants and Toddlers, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Youth, Young Adults, Advocates/Intermediaries, Funders, Leaders of Native Nations, Policymakers/Agency Leaders, Database, Federal Funding, Fiscal Mapping, Native Children and Youth, Strategic Public Financing Federal Funding Database Frequently Asked Questions What Information Does the Database Contain?The Federal Funding Streams for Children and Youth Services database contains information about more than 320 federal funding sources that support programs or services for infants, toddlers, children, youth, and their families. The database provides fiscal year allocations from 2019 to 2023 and will include additional years as complete fiscal year data becomes available from the federal government.Searchable CategoriesUsers can filter the funding streams in the database within six categories.Funding Stream NameThis is the federally designated name of the funding stream (also referred to as federal grant, budget line item, or special fund name). Note: This is the official funding stream name in federal government data, but a given funding stream may be known by a different or more common name. For example, the Medical Assistance Program is more commonly known as Medicaid. If you have trouble locating a specific program in the database or are unsure about the official name for a funding source, try searching for the fund’s common name using the keyword search bar at the bottom of the database.2. Outcome CategoryThis refers to the general child and youth outcome the funding broadly supports. We have organized the federal funding streams into the following outcome categories:Educated: Funding to support the education of children and youth, both in and out of school.Employable: Funding directed at workforce development and career readiness activities.Healthy: Funding to support the physical and emotional health and well-being of children and families.Safe: Funding directed at supporting the safety and well-being of children and families.Supported and Connected: Funding directed at providing financial, emotional, and social support to children and families and funds that help children and youth connect to their communities.3. Specific Eligible Programs and ServicesUsers can sort the federal funding streams by 67 specific services and programs for which funds may be used. These include commonly known services and programs across educational, social, and community-based services like apprenticeships, arts and cultural programs, behavioral health services, foster care, health care, prenatal health services, and recreational activities. Age RangeThis will filter for all funding streams that serve a given age or that span multiple age groups. Users may also select “no age group target” to include funds that are universally applied to all groups. The database groups funding streams into the following age ranges:Birth – 2 years old3 – 4 years old5 – 12 years old13 – 17 years old18 – 24 years oldTypical Local RecipientsThese are the entities that are eligible to receive funding at the local level. This is usually the direct beneficiary of the funding or a direct service provider. These entities may include businesses, nonprofits, local government, individual families, and other program or service providers. Designated COVID Relief FundingThis filter lets users search for those programs that were funded by one of the three major COVID-19 pandemic relief funds passed between 2020 and 2021. Additional Categories and DataBy scrolling to the right in the database, users can see columns for additional characteristics used to categorize and organize the funding data. Program DescriptionThis is the official program description for each funding stream. For some funding streams we have provided additional detail or funding notes. FY 19 – FY 23 Federal Funding (Obligations)These columns show how much funding was obligated for a given program in a given fiscal year; in other words, how much money the federal government transferred to funding recipients. Note: Each federal fiscal year begins on October 1 of the preceding year and ends on September 30 of the indicated year. That means, for example, federal fiscal year 2023 began on October 1, 2022, and ended on September 30, 2023. Additionally, the obligations included in the database account for any funding returned to the federal government. If the obligated total in a given fiscal year was negative (meaning more funding was returned than allocated), the funding amount will show as $0 in the database. Annual obligations have not been adjusted for inflation. Obligations are not always the same as congressionally appropriated funding. Funding may be appropriated by Congress but not released by an agency for a number of reasons. Some programs do not release funding until recipients complete applications. Natural disasters (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) also can affect the demand for funds or the ability of providers to deliver services and, consequently, use funds. Finally, programmatic rules may dictate that an agency must disperse funding over multiple years.Service and Program CategoryThis column describes a broad set of services or programs to which the funding can be applied. Eligibility CriteriaThis column highlights the specific child and youth populations for which funds are designated, targeted, or otherwise restricted.Level of InterventionThis column identifies the type of intervention provided by the program—basic services, positive youth development, prevention services, or intervention services. Original Granting AgencyThis refers to the federal agency that administers the funding and usually sets the program rules.Terminal GranteeThis is the entity (or entities) that initially receives the funding from the federal government. The terminal grantee then distributes funds to the typical local recipients. Service SettingThis describes the general environment or location where beneficiaries receive services. Financial Assistance TypeThis is the federal designation for the type of funding.Funding Cycle This refers to the length of time that funding recipients have to spend the full amount of funding or until they can reapply for additional funds.Federal Budget Item (Assistance Listing) NumberThis number, also known as a program’s CFDA number, is an identifier that recipients or potential recipients can use to search for more information about a funding stream on USASpending.gov or SAM.gov. Funding Website LinkThe link to the SAM.gov page for the funding stream. How Can State, Local, and Native Nation Leaders Use the Database?Depending on a community’s needs, this database can provide a starting point for documenting the federal resources a community currently leverages; help communities identify additional funding streams for which their states, Native nations, or localities might be eligible (with details that help leaders decide whether to pursue those other opportunities); or aid leaders in starting their own localized or tribally focused fiscal maps. Where Can I Find Information to Help Me Navigate the Database?For more information about how to use the search features of the database and how to download a customized spreadsheet based on your search, view the how-to guide within the database. For information about other funding-related terms you may find, check out our glossary of terms. What Is the Primary Data Source for the Tool?Fiscal information in the database comes from USAspending.gov, a website maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury that serves as the official source for spending data for the U.S. government. Categorical and programmatic information in the database comes from SAM.gov, a website maintained by the federal General Services Administration, that serves as the official source of information for all federal assistance listings. Send us your feedback We welcome your feedback as we update and improve this resource. Please contact Esther Grambs, senior associate, at [email protected] with comments and suggestions.More Resources Video The 2024 Election: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward for Voter-Approved Children’s Funds Advocates and experts share insights into the campaign processes, successes, and challenges behind ballot measures to create voter-approved children's funds. Publication Last Vote to First Dollar Toolkit An implementation toolkit to help leaders of new voter-approved children's funds set their funds up for success Updates and Events Insights December 11, 2024 Reflecting on a Year of Accomplishments for Children and Youth—and Preparing for a New Political Climate Insights November 11, 2024 After-School Programs Offer an Antidote to Social Media Harms. Big Tech Settlements Should Foot the Bill. News November 6, 2024 Voters in Local Communities Approve Up to $133 Million for Kids in the 2024 Election Close Share it! Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Click to copy URL Link Copied!
Video The 2024 Election: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward for Voter-Approved Children’s Funds Advocates and experts share insights into the campaign processes, successes, and challenges behind ballot measures to create voter-approved children's funds.
Publication Last Vote to First Dollar Toolkit An implementation toolkit to help leaders of new voter-approved children's funds set their funds up for success
Insights December 11, 2024 Reflecting on a Year of Accomplishments for Children and Youth—and Preparing for a New Political Climate
Insights November 11, 2024 After-School Programs Offer an Antidote to Social Media Harms. Big Tech Settlements Should Foot the Bill.
News November 6, 2024 Voters in Local Communities Approve Up to $133 Million for Kids in the 2024 Election