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Cradle-to-Career Guide to Federal Relief Funding for Kids During and Beyond COVID-19

A guide to understanding all the new funding opportunities from the COVID-19 stimulus packages, including the American Rescue Plan.

Cradle-to-Career Guide to Federal Relief Funding for Kids During and Beyond COVID-19

The first version of this resource was published in early April 2020 as Children’s Funding Project began to recognize the novel challenges that states, localities, and child- and youth-serving organizations were facing as a result of the unfolding pandemic. The original document intended to help leaders at all levels take advantage of new funding opportunities from the COVID-19 stimulus packages and respond to the crisis by leveraging the flexibilities of new and existing funding. This new version does much of the same by providing timely information on the most recent relief dollars from the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan. This time, however, we also devote significant space to highlighting examples of how states and communities have leveraged federal resources during this challenging year for the benefit of children and youth.

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