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Investing in Youth Workforce Development in St. Louis, MO

An American Rescue Plan community profile
Photo credit: Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages

Investing in Youth Workforce Development in St. Louis, MO

St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) received nearly $3 million from the City of St. Louis’ American Rescue Plan fiscal recovery funds to coordinate job training assistance programs for the city’s youth. SLATE will use the funds to support a year-round youth jobs program in collaboration with St. Louis Public Schools and other partners. The program is expected to reach roughly 300 students from low-income families and ultimately to increase family income. Additionally, the funds will allow SLATE to expand its capacity to support the city’s summer jobs programs. To date, the summer jobs program has a waitlist of hundreds of youth. Expanded capacity will allow SLATE staff to identify, vet, and supervise new worksites. Finally, a portion of the funds will go toward case management and wrap-around services for youth participating in the summer jobs program.