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Madison Youth Workers Say We Must Invest in Kids’ Curiosity to Help Them Succeed

Two career youth workers share their perspectives for helping young people succeed.

Madison Youth Workers Say We Must Invest in Kids’ Curiosity to Help Them Succeed

Howard Hayes is the assistant director of youth and community development at Goodman Community Center in Madison, WI, and Arthur Morgan is the family advocacy manager. Together, they are helping Madison’s youth succeed through the thriving Lussier LOFT Teen Center, which offers after-school and summer programs for middle school and high school aged youth. Children’s Funding Project CEO Elizabeth Gaines worked with Hayes and Morgan early in her career when she led some of the after-school and community-based youth programs at Goodman Community Center. She recently spoke with the two leaders about their ongoing work at the community center, the needs and challenges youth face, and creative ways communities can support young people.