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Voter-Approved Children’s Funds Across the Country

Learn about the more than 50 voter-approved children's funds nationwide.

Voter-Approved Children’s Funds Across the Country

A voter-approved children’s fund is a type of state or local public revenue dedicated to supporting children and youth services. There are more than 50 children’s funds across the country that voters have approved that generate more than $1.5 billion every year for infants, toddlers, children, and youth. Voter-approved children’s funds support a variety of services, outside of the K-12 school day, including prenatal and infant health and development services, child care and early education programs, after-school and summer programs, mental and behavioral health services, and college and career attainment programs.

Voter-approved children funds are local or state funding streams that localities or states can tailor to meet their specific needs. They are approved by voters, who dedicate the funding to support children and youth so these funds cannot be cut or redirected to other uses. Children’s funds are public, meaning they are accountable to the people who live and work in the community. Voter-approved children’s funds often include accountability and transparency measures so they help to build public support and awareness for children’s issues. Voters have never failed to reauthorize a children’s fund and they routinely become more popular over time.

Voter-Approved Children's Funds Across the Country

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