News November 18, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines How Kids Around the Country Triumphed This Election What happened on November 3 was not a blue wave nor a red wave; while we were all glued to the news shows, a subtle children’s wave swept the country. Voters passed seven down-ballot measures that together will raise more than $5 billion new dollars for kids over the next decade.
Insights August 21, 2020 Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom, Elizabeth Gaines Balancing the Social Ledger, Investing in Youth in the Age of George Floyd In this opinion piece, Elizabeth Gaines and Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom focus on one of the powerful tools that communities have to address calls for justice, particularly through investing resources in children and youth.
Insights May 7, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines Why Public Funding for Kids Is More Important Than Ever Before A compilation of our four-part series on building a better child and youth system in the wake of COVID-19.
Insights May 7, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines Why ACTIVATING Public Funding for Kids Is More Important Than Ever No matter what is happening in the world, our job is to make sure that funds earmarked for children are used fully and responsibly. This was true before COVID-19 and it is even truer now.
Insights April 29, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines Why GENERATING Public Funding for Kids Is More Important Than Ever In the last few weeks, the federal government has demonstrated its capacity to immediately generate and dole out resources to address the fallout of COVID-19. When there is a need, the country can find a way to meet it if enough pressure is applied.
Insights April 22, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines Why ALIGNING Public Funding for Kids Is More Important Than Ever Today, we’re focusing on the second of these two levers: Align. Due to COVID-19, systems are being forced to find new and creative ways to work together and maximize resources. Relaxed funding stream requirements create opportunities for flexibility.
Insights April 8, 2020 Elizabeth Gaines Why FINDING Public Funding for Kids Is More Important Than Ever Today, I want to share my thoughts on the Find lever to help you understand where your community currently sits in funding your kids. While these steps may seem unattainable from where we are now, believe me: our hard work will pay off.
Insights June 3, 2019 Elizabeth Gaines Children Funding Project’s One Year Anniversary Letter Children’s Funding Project was founded on a simple idea developed over many years: without investment, kids can’t thrive. Throughout my time in direct service, advocacy, political organizing, and national network building, securing money and resources has been a constant challenge.
News November 10, 2016 Elizabeth Gaines On Election Day 2016, a Down-Ballot Win for Kids As the nation focuses on the new presidential administration, a small but potentially transformative trend is emerging in choices down the ballot: Voters were asked to support the children in their community with new tax revenue and they overwhelmingly agreed.